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I have heard people telling me that they don’t know how to find their passions. If you are one among them, take time and experience new things. This will help you to find new things that can make you feel happy. This is the best way to find your passions.
-- Anonymous
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If I were you, I would adore me
-- Anonymous
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I had failed to make a gift of myself to God.
-- Karen Armstrong
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Smith Barney – We make money the old fashioned way…we earn it.
-- Vijayaraj
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You know, they've got these chocolate assortments, and you like some but you don't like others? And you eat all the ones you like, and the only ones left are the ones you don't like as much? I always think about that when something painful comes up. Now I just have topolish these off, and everything'll be OK. Life is a box of chocolates. I suppose you could call it a philosophy.
-- Haruki Murakami
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