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I love to work on early mornings. Before kids, I was not an early morning riser. Once my dear kids came into my life, it became very difficult to work much during the day time. My attention is always glued to them. I struggled a lot to make progress in my work. So I experimented to get up early and start doing things which was very hard to crack during the day time along with my kids.
-- Anonymous
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I reluctantly left the series because a) my age. I'm 68 tomorrow and time is very precious for me to spend time at home with my family and especially with the grandchildren. They're aged 7 and 5. After three years I became homesick for my home.
-- Richard Briers
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Discipline the one thing necessary to achieve any goal worth having.
-- Anonymous
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It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane. – Philip K. Dick, Valis
-- Vijayaraj
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Change comes with both fear and some pain. Those two ingredients create mistrust, misunderstanding and misinformation. Such is the process of democracy.
-- David Mixner
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