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The smallest thanks is always worth more than the effort it takes to give it.
-- Anonymous
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For to fear death, my friends, is only to think ourselves wise without really being wise, for it is to think that we know what we do not know. For no one knows whether death may not be the greatest good that can happen to man.
-- Plato
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Music is one of the very few things left in this world, which has an amazing power of healing. I really hope that these songs will set your imagination free, enrich your emotions and help your heart and mind feel happier.
-- Edyta Górniak
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The only time people dislike gossip is when you gossip about them.
-- Ayshu
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If A equals success, then the formula is A = X + Y + Z. Where X is work. Y is play. Z is keep your mouth shut.​
-- Albert Einstein
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