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Reflect your thoughts and watch others mirror them back to you.
-- Stephen Richards
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Some people search their whole lives to find what I found in you.
-- Anonymous
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होश का पानी छिड़को मदहोशी की आँखों पर, अपनों से कभी ना उलझो गैरों की बातों पर।
-- Anonymous
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The great companies will be the ones that find a way to have and hold on to their values while chasing their profits, and brand value will converge to create a new business model that unites commerce and compassion. The heart and the wallet... The great companies of this century will be sharp to success and at the same time sensitive to the idea that you can't measure the true success of a company on a spread sheet.
-- Bono
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She who cooks, never cleans!
-- Ayshu
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