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Relaxation is the doorway to both wisdom and compassion. –
-- Tara Brach
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Nothing on earth can ever equate to the level of joy that comes with loving oneself unconditionally.
-- Anonymous
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For instance, imagine you vowed for the 100th time that you are going to get up early in the morning. You read some tips on how to get up early in the morning. You decide on what are all the tasks you want to perform as soon as you get up. You set up the alarm. You go to bed with the excitement that tomorrow is your winning day. You are going to rock it.
-- Anonymous
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The more we genuinely care about others the greater our own happiness and inner peace. – Allan Lokos
-- Allan Lokos
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What you learn today, for no reason at all, will help you discover all the wonderful secrets of tomorrow. – Norton Juster
-- Norton Juster
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