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Shriveled apple cores stood side by side on the window sill, a long row of them with their seed chambers bitten open and the pointed sees scattered on the floor. The brown, discolored remnants of their flesh bore the imprint of his grandfather's teeth. That was the image This was left with, the one that ever since was the first to recur when he thought of his dead grandfather: shriveled apple cores on the sill of a window that looked out onto an overgrown garden.
-- Hansjorg Schertenleib
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Decide. Commit. Succeed.
-- Anonymous
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My teacher pointed to me with his ruler and said At the end of this ruler there is an idiot! … I got detention after asking which end!
-- Anonymous
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Beauty lies in the mind, inner soul....Beauty lies in the innocence, appreciation, understanding, warmth, expressions, caring nature, behavior towards others, the depth of understanding the situations, the kind of sufferings, struggles, losses, difficulties, sorrows, happiness- the thick n thins through which person sails throughout hi/her life. Which ultimately reflects on your face- the ultimate reflection of your mind and thus evolves a beautiful personality.
-- Sriveena Dhagavkar
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Work is for those who don’t know what fishing is!
-- Ayshu
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