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I guess, like most foreigners, when you’re away, you see your own culture being even more strange. But where I come from and my roots mean a lot. I miss my family and my friends. Something I’ve realized as I’ve been traveling is that it’s more about the actual people than the actual place.
-- Alicia Vikander
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Dream touches your heart and soul. It is a magical memory that unites fantasy and reality. Hope you’ll have the sweetest dream tonight.
-- Vijayaraj
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Sending you all my love and the choicest blessings from heaven this Christmas. May you have a brilliant Christmas season. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!
-- Vijayaraj
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Work it, make it, do it, makes us: harder, better, faster, stronger – Daft Punk Harder, Better, Faster
-- Anonymous
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If you are being positive and strong in difficult times half of your problems will be solved automatically.  –
-- Anurag Prakash
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