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Life is better when you start giggling.
-- Vijayaraj
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Caution and conservatism are expected of old age; but when the young men of a nation are possessed of such a spirit, when they are afraid of the noise and strife caused by the new applications of the truth, Heaven save the land! Its funeral bell has already rung.
-- Henry Ward Beecher
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Whenever two good people argue over principles, they are both right.
-- Anonymous
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The struggle is part of your life. You can’t live without struggle. Life means struggle. No life, no struggle. Only the person who is sleeping in the graveyard has no struggle.             –
-- Birister Sharma
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And thus love is founded otherwhile upon good prouffitable and this love endureth as longe as he seeth his prouffit. And herof men saye a comyn proverbe in England that love lasteth as longe as the money endureth and whan the money faylleth than there is no love.
-- William Caxton
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