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The most important thing to enjoy your life – to be happy – it’s all that matters.
-- Anonymous
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But playing your music as loud as you want and coming home drunk aren't real life. Real life, it turns out, is diapers and lawnmowers, decks that need painting, a wife that needs to be listened to, kids that need to be taught right from wrong, a checkbook, an oil change, a sunset behind a mountain, laughter at a kitchen table, too much wine, a chipped tooth, and a screaming child.
-- Donald Miller
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When I’m ready, I plan to adopt. I still believe in family.
-- LaToya Jackson
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The first principle of non-violent action is that of non-co-operation with everything humiliating.
-- Ayshu
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But history is a faithless teller whose cruel recourse to hindsight makes fools of its actors.
-- Kate Morton
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