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However modest one may be in one's demand for intellectual cleanliness, one cannot help feeling, when coming into contact with the New Testament, a kind of inexpressible discomfiture: for the unchecked impudence with which the least qualified want to raise their voice on the greatest problems, and even claim to be judges of things, surpasses all measure. The shameless levity with which the most intractable problems (life, world, God, purpose of life) are spoken of, as if they were not problems at all but si
-- Friedrich Nietzsche
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Puns are the highest form of literature.
-- Alfred Hitchcock
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Dead people receive more flowers than living ones because regret is stronger than gratitude. –
-- Anne Frank
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Epistemology models ontology.
-- John Polkinghorne
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I’m too busy working on my own grass to notice if yours is greener.
-- Anonymous
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