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Self love is the elixir of an immortal heart. ― Amy Leigh Mercree
-- Anonymous
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People say you're born innocent, but it's not true. You inherit all kinds of things that you can do nothing about. You inherit your identity, your history, like a birthmark that you can't wash off. ... We are born with our heads turned back, but my mother says we have to face into the future now. You have to earn your own innocence, she says. You have to grow up and become innocent.
-- Hugo Hamilton
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You get what you focus on, so focus on excellence.
-- Anonymous
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The Earth is enjoyed by heroes- this is the unfailing truth. Be a hero. Always say, I have no fear.
-- Anonymous
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It’s almost as if we each have a vampire inside us. Controlling that beast, that dark side, is what fascinates me. –
-- Sheryl Lee
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