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I once saw many flowers blooming Upon my way, in indolence I scorned to pick them in my going And passed in proud indifference.Now, when my grave is dug, they taunt me; Now, when I'm sick to death in pain, In mocking torment still they haunt me, Those fragrant blooms of my disdain.
-- Heinrich Heine
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People put so much effort into starting a relationship and so little effort into ending one.
-- Marina Abramovic
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I saw some two-dollar bills today - They were for sale for eight dollars. Something went severely wrong there. What happened? It spun out of control... Now it's worth eight, still says two. I miss the two. I could break a two.
-- Mitch Hedberg
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In this time, you can connect with your inner self and work for the betterment of it. Try practicing meditation, yoga and other breathing exercises that aid you to connect with your inner-self.
-- Vijayaraj
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People don’t take trips, trips take people. – John Steinbeck
-- Ayshu
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