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I had not particularly liked the way in which he wrote about literature in , and I was always on my guard if not outright hostile when any tincture of 'deconstruction' or 'postmodernism' was applied to my beloved canon of English writing, but when Edward talked about English literature and quoted from it, he passed the test that I always privately apply: Do you truly this subject and could you bear to live for one moment if it was obliterated?
-- Christopher Hitchens
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Your attitude screams about the bursting colors of your soul and the rhythm of your heart without the need for any words.
-- Anonymous
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With self-discipline most anything is possible- Theodore Roosevelt
-- Anonymous
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Never respond to rudeness. When people are rude to you, they reveal who they are, not who you are. Don’t take it personally. Be silent.
-- Unknown
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• Never let your failures get to your heart and never let your success get to your head.
-- Ayshu
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