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The practice of forgiveness is very much like the practice of meditation. You have to do it often and persist at it to be any good. –
-- Anonymous
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Naughty by Nature. Wild By Choice.
-- Anonymous
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There’s no reason why children in inner cities or rural areas do not receive the same quality education or opportunities as those in suburbs or wealthy neighborhoods. If we truly believe in giving all citizens a chance to pursue happiness and pursue their goals, then we cannot continue to marginalize entire groups of people.
-- Al Sharpton
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If the world could remain within a frame Like a painting on a wall, Then I think we would see the beauty, then We would stand staring in awe At our still lives posed Like a bowl of oranges, Like a story told By the fault lines and the soil.
-- Conor Oberst
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Family is like music, some high notes, some low notes, but always a beautiful song. – Unknown
-- Ayshu
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