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The love for a horse is just as complicated as the love for another human being… if you never love a horse, you will never understand.
-- Unknown
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Bless the bright eyes of your sex! They never see, whether for good or bad, more than one side of any question; and that is always, the one which first presents itself to them.
-- Charles Dickens
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The glorification of the 'woman's role, then, seems to be in proportion to society's reluctance to treat women as complete human beings; for the less real function that role has, the more it is decorated with meaningless details to conceal its empt
-- Betty Friedan
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This is my happy place.
-- Vijayaraj
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Wedding gifts are definitely exciting. However, instead of fancy dishware or sparkling glasses, I wish you the gift of ever-lasting love. May you continue to open this gift each day!
-- Anonymous
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