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The thing I love about being a novelist is that with each project, you invent a new world. You approach it with a different set of aesthetic and structural ideas, and you grapple with a different series of problems in figuring out how to tell the story. And yet there are certain concerns that stay constant.
-- Adam Mansbach
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The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and beloved in return.
-- Anonymous
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The excellency of every art is its intensity, capable of making all disagreeable evaporate. – John Keats
-- Anonymous
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I am your biggest fan. I am your protector. I will always defend you. I will get angry. I will get frustrated. I will be proud of you. I will be your confidant. I will love you unconditional because forever and always, I am your mom.
-- Anonymous
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Life must be lived and curiosity kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life. –
-- Anonymous
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