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Every story has an end, but in life every end is just a new beginning.
-- Anonymous
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ਮਹਿੰਗੀਆਂ ਚੀਜ਼ਾ ਪਸੰਦ ਨੇ ਮੈਨੂੰ ਜਨਾਬ, ਅਗਲੀ ਵਾਰ ਆਉਣਾ ਹੋਇਆਂ ਤਾਂ ਵਕਤ ਲੈ ਕੇ ਆਵੀ ⏳
-- Anonymous
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When Nirvana became popular, you could very easily slip and get lost during that storm. I, fortunately, had heavy anchors – old friends, family. ~ Dave Grohl
-- Ayshu
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Hesitating to act because the whole vision might not be achieved, or because others do not yet share it, is an attitude that only hinders progress.
-- Anonymous
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We all walk in the dark and each of us must learn to turn on his or her own light.                –
-- Earl Nightingale
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