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Teachers have three loves; love of learning, love of learners, and the love of bringing the first two loves together. -Scott Hayden
-- Vijayaraj
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I remember Alicia Keys and Usher had released a song called ‘My Boo,’ and my music teacher got me to sing a duet with a friend of mine, and I remember being so nervous because I loved to sing, but I could never fathom singing by myself. And when I did that, I remember how proud I was of myself. I was 12.
-- Seinabo Sey
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Not everyone likes me, but remember not everyone matters.
-- Anonymous
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Government needs to stay out of the religion business altogether.
-- Michael Newdow
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When you’re in love, you’re capable of learning everything and knowing things you had never dared even to think, because love is the key to understanding of all the the mysteries.
-- Paulo Coelho
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