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The whole action of the laws tended to increase the number of consumers of food and to diminish the number of producers, was due the invention of the Malthusian theory of population.
-- Henry Charles Carey
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I can have everything I love at the same time. I can have my family, I can have my friends, and I can have my quiet life, which I also like. I can have my football, and I can have everything together, and I don’t need to give up one to be better than what I am.
-- Jose Mourinho
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The only way to have a friend is to be one. -Ralph Waldo Emerson
-- Anonymous
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You cannot be buried in obscurity: you are exposed upon a grand theater to the view of the world. If your actions are upright and benevolent, be assured they will augment your power and happiness.
-- Cyrus the Great
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उम्र ना पूछो इश्क करने वालों की हुजूर, मिजाज ए आशिकी रखने वाले हमेशा जवान रहते हैं❤️‍
-- Anonymous
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