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Ultimately, education in its real sense is the pursuit of truth. It is an endless journey through knowledge and enlightenment.
-- Anonymous
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According to Adam One, the Fall of Man was multidimensional. The ancestral primates fell out of the trees; then they fell from vegetarianism into meat-eating. Then they fell from instinct into reason, and thus into technology; from simple signals into complex grammar, and thus into humanity; from firelessness into fire, and thence into weaponry; and from seasonal mating into an incessant sexual twitching. Then they fell from a joyous life in the moment into the anxious contemplation of the vanished past and
-- Margaret Atwood
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The water you pollute will find its way back to you.
-- Anonymous
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A true friend cares like a mom, scolds like a dad, teases like a sister, irritates like a brother and loves more than a lover.
-- Ayshu
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I’m a direct descendant from awesomeness.
-- Anonymous
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