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If you delay your activities waiting for the perfect moment, understand that you are indulging a bad habit that can prevent you from achieving anything in life. There is no such thing called perfectionism. It is a way to justify procrastination.
-- Anonymous
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Half of seeming clever is keeping your mouth shut at the right times. –
-- Patrick Rothfuss
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The simple lack of her is more to me than others’ presence. -Edward Thomas
-- Anonymous
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I admit at the beginning that 'popular religion,' 'demotic religion,' the pieties of the common folk, tends to sink to the lowest common denominator, be it in syncretizing saints with old, half-forgotten pagan godlings, or in preferring the nasal whine and the revivalist shoutin' to solid sense and learning, regarding intellect as positively inimical to the workings of the Holy Ghost. But it is in American religious life, especially Protestant American religious life, that things bottom out completely.
-- Markham Shaw Pyle
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I never hate you for not loving me anymore but I hate myself for still loving you.
-- Anonymous
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