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What screws us up the most in life is the picture in our head of how it is supposed to be.
-- Unknown
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Stop destroying beautiful pieces of heart for the people who do not understand you.
-- Anonymous
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When a girl has a bad relationship with her father, or he’s not in her life for whatever reason, she will always try to find the love that she wish she had with her dad from a boy, and she will put so much trust and expectations into him like she would her father, she just wants someone to Love her like a dad would..
-- Anonymous
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After I practiced a month of 5-minute writing goal, I eliminated my initial fear of writing. Then I set a goal to write 30 minutes each day. That’s how I started to write this blog. I am still doing it every day and I feel very happy to see the progress.
-- Anonymous
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Real men make your panties wet, not your eyes.
-- Anonymous
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