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When a women says WHAT?, it’s not because she didn’t hear you, she’s giving you a chance to change what you said.
-- Anonymous
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Our greatest weakness lies in giving up the most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
-- Vijayaraj
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Becoming a father is usually a rational, participatory act. Becoming a grandfather is, at best, an irrational one: Without anyone asking your permission or advice, you suddenly find yourself cohabiting with a grandmother.  –
-- Myron LaBan
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If you feel like everything is falling apart please remember that better times are right around the corner. Don’t ever give up, keep going.
-- Ayshu
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If the right people do the right things, we can walk, we can have a future. But if people don't put time into it to make it run in a right way, I don't think your team will work.
-- Tim Hardaway
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