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Passover is my idea of a perfect holiday. Dear God, when you’re handing out plagues of darkness, locusts, hail, boils, flies, lice, frogs, and cattle murrain, and turning the Nile to blood and smiting the firstborn, give me a pass. And tell me when it’s over.
-- P. J. O’Rourke
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Guilt is perhaps the most painful companion to death.- Elisabeth Kubler
-- oss
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We are all part of the ultimate statistic – ten out of ten dies.
-- Ayshu
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The world demands the qualities of youth, youth not as defined by a time span of life but defined by a state of mind a temper of the will quality of the imagination predominance of courage over timidity and an appetite for adventure over a life of ease.
-- Vijayaraj
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When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
-- Joseph Kennedy
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