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The sweet smell of a baby must be one of the best smells in the whole world.
-- Ayshu
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Weigh whatever you are about to say; what will it do to your hearer - encouragement, edification, disappointment or fear? What will it do to your life - glorify, edify, beautify or weigh you down? Speak well and things will go well.
-- Jaachynma N.E. Agu
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I find theater terrifying. There are no do-overs, you know? It’s all happening live. You need to be in it 100 percent at any given moment, and the audience is right there. I’m really intimidated by theater, but it is my first true love. I love theater. I love that anxiety.
-- Rachel Brosnahan
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Collect memories not things
-- Anonymous
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Mistakes are called experiences in a world of love and forgiveness.
-- Chaker Khazaal
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