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Just because someone’s dead doesn’t mean it’s over. My grandfather died more than 25 years ago, but I still think of him a lot and smell his smell. –
-- Julian Clary
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जलील मत करना किसी गरीब को अपनी चौखट पर, वो सिर्फ भीख लेने नहीं, दुआ देने भी आता है |
-- Anonymous
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Dear God, if I hurt others give me the strength to apologize. If people hurt me give me the strength to forgive. ~ Mitch Smith
-- Mitch Smith
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Often we lack confidence mainly because of the fear of facing the dreadful situation. Suppose say you want to present your project in front of a group. Your immediate thoughts would be, how will I manage if they ask difficult questions, what will I do if I stammer in the middle of conversation. All these are natural and you can easily overcome it.
-- Anonymous
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Why race? The need to be tested, perhaps; the need to take risks; and the chance to be number one. –
-- George Sheehan
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