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It’s time to reap the rewards of your dedication. Congrats on becoming a graduate.
-- Anonymous
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I’m sorry I was not good enough. But i tried to be.
-- Anonymous
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31. My life is an open book but I don’t allow everyone to read it.
-- Anonymous
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Everything officers go through in any chase anywhere in the country, but amped up 100 times! I'm right in the thick of things in a car going like 80 miles an hour, and doing 360s in the middle of the road. It was a wild ride.
-- Amy Weber
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Old friends are the great blessings of one’s later years. Half a word conveys one’s meaning. They have a memory of the same events; have the same mode of thinking. I have young relations that may grow upon me, for my nature is affectionate, but can they grow To Be old friends? ~ Horace Walpole
-- Ayshu
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