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Always aim high, work hard, and care deeply about what you believe in. ~ Hillary Clinton
-- Vijayaraj
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O?evidno je da ne postoji nikakav smisao povijesti koji bi se dao spasiti le?ima okrenutim prema Auschwitzu niti postoji Bog kojemu se ?ovjek može klanjati le?a okrenutih prema Auschwitzu. Kao teološko-politi?ka katastrofa Auschwitz ne ostavlja pošte?enima niti krš?anstvo i njegovu teologiju niti društvo i njegovu politiku.
-- Johann Baptist Metz
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A mother is your first friend, your best friend, your forever friend.
-- Anonymous
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Gospel talks about life’s struggles, but you always feel like it recognizes these struggles and that you can overcome them. –
-- Natalie Prass
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185. In order to excel something you would have to enjoy it first.
-- Vijayaraj
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