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A lot of problems stem from a desire to avoid discomfort. For example, people who fear failure often avoid new challenges in an effort to keep anxiety at bay. Avoiding emotional discomfort, however, is usually a short-term solution that leads to long-term problems.
-- Amy Morin
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Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.
-- Anonymous
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Advice is like snow – the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind. – Samuel Taylor Coleridge
-- Vijayaraj
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Don’t go on discussing what a good person should be. Just be one. –
-- Marcus Aurelius
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Experience has taught us that we have only one enduring weapon in our struggle against mental illness: the emotional discovery and emotional acceptance of the truth in the individual and unique history of our childhood.
-- Alice Miller
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