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Do your job. Do it the best you can. Do it right, because somebody, sometimes your best friend, is waiting for you to screw up so she can take your place.
-- Abby Lee Miller
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He who wants a rose must respect her thorn. –
-- Andre Gide
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The first time I saw you, my heart whispered, ‘That’s the one.'
-- Unknown
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The prospect of an early death sits differently upon each person. In some it gifts maturity far outweighing their age and experience: calm acceptance blossoms into a beautiful nature and soft countenance. In others, however, it leads to the formation of a tiny ice flint in their heart. Ice that, though at times concealed, never properly melts.Rose, though she would have liked to be one of the former, knew herself deep down to be one of the latter.
-- Kate Morton
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Happiness: a good bank account, a good cook, and a good digestion.
-- Ayshu
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