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The idea is there, locked inside, and all you have to do is remove the excess stone.
-- Michelangelo
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Presenting leadership as a list of carefully defined qualities (like strategic, analytical and performance-oriented) no longer holds. Instead, true leadership stems from individuality that is honestly and sometimes imperfectly expressed… Leaders should strive for authenticity over perfection.
-- Sheryl Sandberg
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Life is the first gift, love is the second, and understanding the third. – Marge Piercy
-- Ayshu
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Listen to God with a broken heart. He is not only the doctor who mends it, but also the father who wipes away the tears.
-- Criss Jami
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80% of what we face each day is because of 20% activities we do each day. This Pareto principle can be applied to any area of life.
-- Anonymous
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