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The inevitability of success grows with every second of hard work put towards its accomplishment.
-- Joseph Maelane
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The opportunity was too perfect to miss. Harry crept silently around behind Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle, bent down, and scooped a large handful of mud out of the path.'We were just talking about your friend Hagrid,'Malfoy said to Ron. 'Just trying to imagine what he's saying to the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures. D'you think he'll cry when they cut off his hippogriff's-'SPLAT.Malfoy's head jerked back as the mud hit him; his silverblond hair was suddenly dripping in muck.
-- J.K. Rowling
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The fact is that you're never gonna believe any of the reviews, because the movie is to you what it is to you. No one's ever gonna sway you from what you feel about it.
-- Campbell Scott
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Faking a smile is so much easier than explaining why you are sad.
-- Anonymous
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Eradicate child labour and aspire for a better future.
-- Anonymous
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