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Newton’s Exam Law: Performances of boys in the exam decreases when the number of girls in the exam hall increases!
-- Ayshu
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The thing I love about Marshmello is that he caters to individual songs as a producer. He has his vibe, but he also really puts something on the song that the song needs instead of having his thing and everything sounding like him.
-- Anne-Marie
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Together forever, never apart. Maybe in distance, but never in heart.
-- Vijayaraj
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I don’t trust words I trust vibes. People can tell you anything but a vibe tells you everything you need to know!
-- Anonymous
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It's about avoiding reality through various escape routes that become addictions and lead to Hell. My character is addicted to television, chocolate, coffee, to her dream of her son, which has no basis in reality.
-- Ellen Burstyn
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