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• Some people go to priests. Others to poetry. I to my friends.
-- Anonymous
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I believe in large families: every woman should have at least three husbands.
-- Zsa Zsa Gabor
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When you say ‘fear of the unknown’, that is the definition of fear; fear is the unknown, fear is what you do not know, and it’s genetically within us so that we feel safe. We feel scared of the woods because we’re not familiar with it, and that keeps you safe.
-- Anonymous
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The ancient Greek definition of happiness was the full use of your powers along lines of excellence. – John F. Kennedy
-- Vijayaraj
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Wings are like dreams. Before each flight, a bird takes a small jump, a leap of faith, believing that its wings will work. That jump can only be made with rock-solid feet.
-- J.R. Rim
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