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Religion is beliefs in someone else’s experience. Spirituality is having your own experience.
-- Unknown
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Smile, it is the key that fits the lock of everybody’s heart.
-- Ayshu
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Find a printer paper and imagine a full-grown bird shaped something like a football with legs standing on it. Imagine 33,000 of these rectangles in a grid. (Broilers are never in cages, and never on multiple levels.) Now enclose the grid with windowless walls and put a ceiling on top. Run in automated (drug-laced) feed, water, heating, and ventilation systems. This is a farm.
-- Jonathan Safran Foer
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Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves – regret the past and fear of the future.  –
-- Fulton Oursler
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Man's true nature being lost, everything becomes his nature; as, his true good being lost, everything becomes his good.
-- Blaise Pascal
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