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Dear God, Let me be something every minute of every hour of my life. Let me be gay; let me be sad. Let me be cold; let me be warm. Let me be hungry…have too much to eat. Let me be ragged or well dressed. Let me be sincere — be decietful. Let me be truthful; let me be a liar. Let me be honorable and let me sin. Only let me be something every blessed minute. And when I sleep, let me dream all the time so that not one little piece of living is ever lost.
-- Anonymous
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He who knows others is learned, but the wise one is the one who knows himself. Learning without wisdom is of no use.
-- Vijayaraj
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Sometimes one middle finger isn’t enough to let someone know how you feel. That’s why you have two hands.
-- Vijayaraj
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The art of love is largely the art of persistence.
-- Albert Ellis
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Visualize this thing that you want, see it, feel it, believe in it. Make your mental blue print, and begin to build. –
-- Robert Collier
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