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It's just about going out and getting the shot, so I have a great understanding of how to execute it, so that really helps me, and also having a good understanding of all the action that I'm shooting, it helps me in determining how I'm going to capture it.
-- David R. Ellis
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Education must enable a man to become more efficient, to achieve with increasing facility the legitimate goals of his life.
-- Anonymous
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• So blessed to have you in my life! Cheers to you, friend.
-- Anonymous
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You do all these knowing well that it is going to make your bulge out. And all the exercise you did for the week gone on the drain. Why? All these are due to the single thought you had in the first minute after seeing the cake.
-- Anonymous
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Regret swallows broken men whole. Acceptance builds them anew. –
-- Sarah Noffke
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