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Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet? Sweet dreams.
-- Vijayaraj
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Listen to God with a broken heart. He is not only the doctor who mends it but also the father who wipes away the tears.
-- Criss Jami
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The certainty of life is beautiful, but the uncertainty of life is exciting and amazing. It is more exciting to live an uncertain life that it is to live a boring certain life.                          –
-- Debasish Mridha
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Once you fully apprehend the vacuity of a life without struggle, you are equipped with the basic means of salvation. –
-- Anonymous
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Today is a new day. Don't let your history interfere with your destiny! Let today be the day you stop being a victim of your circumstances and start taking action towards the life you want. You have the power and the time to shape your life. Break free from the poisonous victim mentality and embrace the truth of your greatness. You were not meant for a mundane or mediocre life!
-- Steve Maraboli
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