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Remember, the greatest gift is not found in the store but in the heart of true friends.
-- Anonymous
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Honesty is the fastest way to prevent a mistake from turning into a failure.
-- James Altucher
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It was a lovely morning. We have not had many lovely days. And the sun was just coming through the stained glass windows and falling on some flowers right across the church and it just occurred to me that this was the day I was meant not to see.
-- Margaret Thatcher
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London was a really multi-racial city … It’s incredible how comfortable people are with race there. –
-- Sade Adu
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I wanted to do another movie that could make us laugh and cry and feel good about the world. I wanted to do something else that could make us smile. This is a time when we need to smile more and Hollywood movies are supposed to do that for people in difficult times.
-- Steven Spielberg
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