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It’s not the years that count, it’s the memories you make over these years.
-- Anonymous
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Music is a mysterious phenomenon – it seems both to magically overwhelm and sublimate our suffering, but also to starkly dignify the struggles of our daily life. –
-- Andrew W.K.
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टूटी हुई चीज़ें हमेशा तकलीफ देती है जैसे दिल,नींद,भरोसा और सबसे ज़्यादा उम्मीद।
-- Anonymous
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Work hard! In the end, passion and hard work beats out natural talent.
-- Pete Docter
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Of course, ‘I Will Always Love You’ is the biggest song so far in my career. I’m famous for several, but that one has been recorded by more people and made me more money, I think, than all of them. But that song did come from a true and deep place in my heart.
-- Dolly Parton
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