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Global WARNING: let us STOP warming.
-- Anonymous
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An actor can practice anywhere at any time with anybody, and most of them do. – Archie Goodwin
-- Vijayaraj
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So instead of scaring yourself with 1 or 2 hour early alarms, start with few minutes earlier wake up call. Once your mind gets used to that new time, then increase it further. The idea here is to start small and stick to the habit instead of stopping your alarm and go back to bed.
-- Anonymous
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Try to help others. Consult their weaknesses, relieve their maladies; strive to raise them up, and by so doing you will most effectually raise yourself up also.
-- Anonymous
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Change comes with both fear and some pain. Those two ingredients create mistrust, misunderstanding and misinformation. Such is the process of democracy.
-- David Mixner
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