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It was no fun being crazy alone, so we decided to be crazy together.
-- Vijayaraj
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A true teacher is the one who teaches you from his own experience and knowledge, not the one who tries to make you understand someone else’s experience or knowledge written down in a book. –
-- Moustafa ELwasif
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When I form any habit, if I track that activity via a excel sheet, I am able to clearly understand what works for me and what doesn’t work. I should come up with good tracking system for every task I do. At present I do this only for writing, exercising and for eating. I want to do tracking for all the other tasks too.
-- Anonymous
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Nobody has your back like your Mama. Love her while she’s still alive!
-- Vijayaraj
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It’s not burn baby burn, but learn, baby, learn, so that you can earn, baby, earn.
-- Vijayaraj
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