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There is a tonic strength, in the hour of sorrow and affliction, in escaping from the world and society and getting back to the simple duties and interests we have slighted and forgotten. Our world grows smaller, but it grows dearer and greater. Simple things have a new charm for us, and we suddenly realize that we have been renouncing all that is greatest and best, in our pursuit of some phantom.
-- William George Jordan
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Weekend, please don’t leave me
-- Ayshu
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Go Green and Save Green.
-- Vijayaraj
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Whatever you may look like, marry a man your own age – as your beauty fades, so will his eyesight.
-- Phyllis Diller
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Who am I? Not the body, because it is decaying; not the mind, because the brain will decay with the body; not the personality, nor the emotions, for these also will vanish with death.
-- Vijayaraj
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