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104. Looking forward to my 2018 Vacation! [fill any upcoming year]
-- Anonymous
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Self denial is not a virtue: it is only the effect of prudence on rascality.
-- Anonymous
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Being a former dancer, classical dancer, it informed me as a human being just in terms of the grace I guess. Ballet is a very graceful form of art. You also become very aware of your body and your mind and your body is working in conjunction. That kind of helps you in acting as well. It's not only using your mind, it's like making your mind communicate this character into your body so that you can bring it to life and physicalize it.
-- Zoe Saldana
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Never look at someone else’s success to determine yours, because, after the sunset, the moon comes out in its full glory to beautify the night. –
-- Unknown
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As we struggle with shopping lists and invitations, compounded by December’s bad weather, it is good to be reminded that there are people in our lives who are worth this aggravation, and people to whom we are worth the same.
-- Anonymous
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