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I think every revolutionary act is an act of love. Every song that I’ve written, it is because of my desire to use music as a way to empower and re-humanize people who are living in a dehumanizing setting. The song is in order to better the human condition.
-- Zack de la Rocha
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It’s hard to make the decisions to find it in your heart to love someone when your heart is still in love with someone else.  But it’s even harder to make when you know that it has already been hurt by that someone its still in love with. ~
-- Anonymous
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Ordinary people think merely of spending time. Great people think of using it.
-- Vijayaraj
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I am glad Mom and Dad didn’t listen when I said to take you back to the hospital
-- Anonymous
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Wishing you a very Happy Birthday dear elder (or) younger Brother.
-- Vijayaraj
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