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Is there anyone so wise as to learn by the experience of others? –
-- Voltaire
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161. Even the leaves fall for you
-- Anonymous
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We are much beholden to Machiavelli and others, that write what men do, and not what they ought to do . For it is not possible to join serpentine wisdom with the columbine innocency, except men know exactly all the conditions of the serpent; his baseness and going upon his belly, his volubility and lubricity, his envy and sting, and the rest; that is, all forms and natures of evil. For without this, virtue lieth open and unfenced. Nay, an honest man can do no good upon those that are wicked, to reclaim them
-- Francis Bacon
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Happy Birthday to a dear friend. You’ll be special to me until the end. Celebrate today and know this is true. My life had been blessed, because of you.
-- Vijayaraj
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In a completely rational society, the best of us would be teachers and the rest of us would have to settle for something else.
-- Lee Iacocca
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