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This is a day of little faith – of few convictions – a day when men seem to have no great causes and no great passions. So in frustration, in disappointment, they are inclined to say, ‘You can’t change human nature.’ It is true that we cannot change human nature. But God can.
-- Peter Marshall
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I am Waiting for GF Message!
-- Anonymous
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If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one? – Abraham Lincoln
-- Ayshu
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I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to facts.                   –
-- Mark Twain
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What he meant, of course, was that there would always be wars, that they were as easy to stop as glaciers. I believe that, too.And even if wars didn't keep coming like glaciers, there would still be plain old death.
-- Kurt Vonnegut
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