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Wisdom is not the same as information; it’s something entirely different. It’s often mistaken as good advice, but wisdom cannot be imparted to someone. Wisdom can only be earned; it’s a by-product of experience, not necessarily knowledge.
-- Renee Carlino
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123. Be the type of person you want to meet.
-- Ayshu
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Forgiveness is that subtle thread that binds both love and friendship. Without forgiveness, you may not even have a child one day. ~ George Foreman
-- George Foreman
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If it were (Is it not) outrageous that society should treat with such rigid precision those of its members who were most poorly endowed in the distribution or wealth that chance had made, and who were, therefore, most worthy of indulgence.
-- Victor Hugo
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He felt lost and alone without his old friend, though he barely recognized him anymore. He wondered if they could ever be friends again. ~ Erin Hunter
-- Vijayaraj
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