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44. Just because my path is different doesn’t mean I’m lost.
-- Vijayaraj
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Unconditional love is our birthright, not judgment or condemnation, and there’s nothing we need to do to earn it. This is simply who and what we are.
-- Anita Moorjani
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That’s all for June. Personally, I faced huge issue on my work. Most of the June passed in resolving the work issue. In spite of that, I manage to stick to the goals and the habits I want to create to reach them. It has been a win for me.
-- Vijayaraj
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Well, if you look at the programme that we're offering, I think that is a future which is fair for women as well as men. We're still heavily outnumbered - we're still four to one in parliament - but we are pioneers! We are forging a new path.
-- Harriet Harman
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Unlike a drop of water which loses its identity when it joins the ocean, man does not lose his being in the society in which he lives. Man’s life is independent. He is born not for the development of the society alone, but for the development of his self. –
-- B. R. Ambedkar
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