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12. I may be fat, but you’re ugly – I can lose weight!
-- Anonymous
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Mind mapping is a technique based on memory and creativity and comprehension and understanding, so when the student or a child uses the mind map, they are using their brain in the way their brain was designed to be used, and so the mind helps them in all learning and cognitive skills. It simply helps them in what the brain does naturally.
-- Tony Buzan
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No matter how old I get, I always want my mommy when I don’t feel good.
-- Vijayaraj
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Few people can look at a painting longer than it takes to peel an orange and eat it. -Kenneth Clark
-- Ayshu
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Aware that his disappointment has its source in a defective education, he looks with anxiety on his other daughters, whose minds, like lovely buds, are beginning to open. Where shall he find a genial soil in which he may place them to expand?
-- Emma Willard
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